Share the Joy of the season
In the spirit of giving this holiday season, Toyota is sharing a message of joy with an animated commercial titled “Nora’s Joy.” Produced in both English and Spanish, “Nora's Joy “tells the story of a shy young girl who has the magical ability to capture her emotions in something completely unexpected – mason jars. One Christmas evening she decides to load all those beautiful feelings she has kept locked away over the years into the bed of her Tacoma. She then drives through town while letting those feelings out, spreading the joy with those around her in a flurry of colors that light up the night sky.
“Nora’s Joy” was directed by directing duo Kyra and Constantin, with executive producer Juliette Stern, of Passion Pictures. The spot includes a unique musical composition called “Starlight” by Robert DiPietro and produced by Pickle Music.
To extend the holiday message, Toyota is inviting consumers to #sharethejoy by sending a digital “joy jar” to their friends and loved ones via the @Toyota Latino Instagram channel beginning December 11 through January 3, 2022. For every share, Toyota will make a donation to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund up to a total of $50,000 in support of student scholars nationwide.
“We've all been dealing with social distancing lately.” said Gustavo Sarkis, chief creative officer for Conill. " But that doesn't mean we should be distant emotionally. In this campaign, Toyota invites you to express your feelings to connect with your loved ones as we enter the holiday season.”
“Nora’s Joy” will also come to life through an extended integration across Telemundo programming during the holidays. This includes mentions on the network’s morning show, Hoy Dia, along with custom content with talent sharing what joy means to them. There will also be an exclusive interview with Nora herself on Telemundo’s afternoon entertainment show, “En Casa con Telemundo.”